Contact Us

Follow us on social media or reach us at our Sofia or Varna office.

Have an inquiry or want to learn more about how we can assist you and help your business scale up?

Don't hesitate contacting us!
Can't wait to hear from you!

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I agree to be contacted by Nemetschek Bulgaria for information regarding its services and products.


Sofia Office

11 Industrialna Str.,
1202 Sofia, Bulgaria


Varna Office

113 General Kolev Str,
Nikulitsel Office Building,
Floor 6, Office 6.3;
9002 Varna, Bulgaria


Plovdiv Office

1A Arch. Kamen Petkov Str.,
Lime Tree Business Center, floor 3,
4017 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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experience with us

Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us improve our services.

Please contact us with any relevant complaints, suggestions or praises at
[email protected]