Earlier this year Forbes Bulgaria reached out to our CEO George Brashnarov with a few questions about the history of Nemetschek Bulgaria, what it's like to build a successful IT company from scratch (then develop it and elevate it) and what is the importance of freedom in his everyday life.
In this interview he details the company ethics and peculiar inner structure.
"Our people are most important. So my main focus is on developing their skills and help that process by any means."
"Here we have a few rules and a lot more freedom," he adds. "Our colleagues differ greatly in character and worldview. And that's where their leader comes in - he/she should know how to unify them, inspire them and show them the way forward."
Of, course, it's not only about the company's employees but about its business partners as well.
"We never saw ourselves nor wanted to be seen as an outsourcing company," Brashnarov explains. "We look for long-term partnerships because we know the way to a successful business is putting them first."
Read the interview in its entirety (in Bulgarian only).
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