Company News and Relevant Articles

Be up-to-date with the trends in your industry, follow our blog and learn about the latest news about Software Development, IT, R&D, Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project Management & Team Collaboration, Documents & Workflow Management, Digitalization and Automation.

Company News and Relevant Articles

Be up-to-date with the trends in your industry, follow our blog and learn about the latest news about Software Development, IT, R&D, Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project Management & Team Collaboration, Documents & Workflow Management, Digitalization and Automation.

"We put our long-term partnerships first"
December 01, 2020

"We put our long-term partnerships first"

Earlier this year Forbes Bulgaria reached out to our CEO George Brashnarov with a few questions.

"We never stopped working and didn't neglect a single project"
July 23, 2020

"We never stopped working and didn't neglect a single project"

A few months into the COVID-19 crisis, turned to our CEO George Brashnarov for a lengthy and interesting conversation.

Speak Out Loud!
January 17, 2020

Speak Out Loud!

We just launched an ambitious internal program for speakers and lecturers, aptly named Speak Out.

Welcome To Your 20s!
October 07, 2019

Welcome To Your 20s!

We celebrated 20 years of excellence with a special event that looked more like a open-air music festival than anything else.