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Be up-to-date with the trends in your industry, follow our blog and learn about the latest news about Software Development, IT, R&D, Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project Management & Team Collaboration, Documents & Workflow Management, Digitalization and Automation.
През юни 2024 г. стартирахме поредица специални събития, с които отбелязваме 25-ата годишнина на Немечек България. Кулминацията им без съмнение беше страхотният фестивал Elevate the Vibe, който събра 350 колеги и важни бизнес партньори за двудневе...
В Немечек България често казваме, че нашите хора са нашето най-голямо богатство. Затова и особено много ни зарадва новината, че сме номинирани във HR & Employer Branding Awards 2024.
Nemetschek Bulgaria and diversity go hand in hand. And what’s even better – it’s a totally natural thing and works perfectly for us. Here's why.
How to make your organization both functional and loved by its employees? We elaborate on that question and summarize our thoughts in another articles from the Reasons We Love Our Job series.
We've got plenty of them. And thought it best we write them down, then gathered them up in a nifty series of articles.